Unlock the Secrets of Youthful Skin: Combining VI Peel and Botox for Maximum Rejuvenation

In the quest for youthful, radiant skin, the combination of VI Peel and Botox stands out as a beacon of hope. At Baltic Beauty Centre, we’re excited to offer this dynamic duo, a testament to our commitment to advanced skincare. Let’s explore why this combination is revolutionizing the world of cosmetic treatments.

The Benefits of Combining Complementary Treatments

The synergy between VI Peel and Botox is not just a coincidence; it’s a carefully crafted strategy to address multiple skin concerns simultaneously. While VI Peel works its magic on the skin’s surface, Botox goes deeper, targeting muscle activity that leads to wrinkles. This approach ensures a comprehensive treatment, tackling everything from superficial blemishes to deep-set lines.

What is VI Peel?

VI Peel is more than just a chemical peel; it’s a journey to flawless skin. This medium-depth peel is a blend of five potent acids, each selected for its unique skin benefits. From reducing aging lines to improving hyperpigmentation, VI Peel offers a multifaceted approach to skin rejuvenation.


Understanding Botox in the Mix

Botox, a name synonymous with anti-aging, works by relaxing the muscles that contribute to wrinkles. When combined with VI Peel, it enhances the skin-smoothing effects, leading to a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

The VI Peel Procedure: A Detailed Look

The VI Peel procedure is a testament to modern skincare technology. It begins with a thorough skin assessment, followed by the application of the peel solution. The process is surprisingly comfortable, with most clients reporting only a mild tingling sensation. Once the peel is placed on the face, you must wait 4 hours before washing it off. Upon washing, for the next few days you will follow the instructions given to you by your aesthetician and included in the VI Peel Kit. The kit includes specially formulated wipes, sunscreen and moisturizer. For best results, follow all instructions and if you have any questions consult your aesthetician.

Downtime and Recovery: What to Expect

One of the most appealing aspects of the VI Peel is its minimal downtime. After the treatment, your skin may appear red, but this quickly subsides. The peeling process, a crucial part of the skin’s rejuvenation, is generally mild and manageable, allowing you to continue with your daily routine.

Let us create a personalized treatment plan for you!

Anticipating the Results

The magic of VI Peel and Botox unfolds over time. Initial improvements are visible almost immediately, but the true transformation is apparent in the weeks following the treatment, as the skin heals and rejuvenates.

Longevity of Results: A Lasting Change

The results of VI Peel and Botox are not just impressive; they’re enduring. The smooth, radiant skin achieved from this combination can last for several months, making it an excellent choice for long-term skincare.

The Path to Ultimate Results: Treatment Frequency

Achieving the ultimate skin transformation often requires a series of treatments. We typically recommend three to four VI Peels, spaced about four weeks apart, to attain the best results. This regimen ensures a gradual and sustained improvement in skin quality.

Exploring the VI Peel Varieties

At Baltic Beauty Centre, we understand that each skin is unique. That’s why we offer a range of VI Peels, each designed to target specific skin issues. From the original VI Peel for general anti-aging to specialized formulas for acne, there’s a peel for every skin type.

Investment in Your Skin: VI Peel Cost

The cost of a VI Peel is an investment in your skin’s future. While the price varies based on individual needs and treatment plans, the value it brings to your skin’s health and appearance is immeasurable. Treatments typically start at $350 and packages are recommended to achieve the best long-term results.

The Art of Combining Treatments

Combining VI Peel and Botox is an art form. It requires a deep understanding of skin anatomy and the aging process. At Baltic Beauty Centre, our experts are skilled in crafting treatment plans that harmonize these two powerful procedures, ensuring results that are both stunning and natural-looking.

Customizing Your Treatment Plan

Every skin is a unique canvas. That’s why we believe in customizing treatment plans to suit individual needs. Whether you’re looking to address fine lines, sun damage, or uneven skin tone, we tailor the combination of VI Peel and Botox to achieve your specific goals.

Preparing for Your Treatment

Preparation is key to maximizing the benefits of VI Peel and Botox. We recommend avoiding certain medications and skincare products before the treatment to ensure the best possible results. Our team will provide you with a detailed pre-treatment guide to prepare your skin for the journey ahead.

Post-Treatment Care: Ensuring Optimal Results

Aftercare is crucial in the world of cosmetic treatments. Following your VI Peel and Botox session, we’ll equip you with a comprehensive aftercare plan. This includes skincare tips, product recommendations, and follow-up schedules to maintain and enhance your results.

Embracing the Change: Your New Skin

The transformation brought about by VI Peel and Botox is more than skin deep. It’s about embracing a new, more confident you. With each treatment, you’ll notice not just an improvement in your skin’s appearance but also in how you feel about yourself.

"I originally heard of Baltic Beauty through a friend. Not only is the atmosphere comfortable but the spa is beautiful. They were so professional and answered every question I had about all of the services. I definitely will be bringing my girlfriend here."

The Baltic Beauty Centre Difference

At Baltic Beauty Centre, we’re not just about treatments; we’re about transformations. Our commitment to excellence, combined with our expertise in VI Peel and Botox, makes us the go-to destination for those seeking the ultimate in skin rejuvenation.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey?

Contact Baltic Beauty Centre today and take the first step towards a more youthful, radiant you. Our team is ready to guide you through every step of this exciting journey, ensuring results that are not just seen but felt.


"Anastasia is a talented artist. My brows look great. Highly recommend."*

Tony G.

"The entire team at Baltic is great and the facility is amazing. Very professional. This will be my go to place from now on."*

Sarah L.

"I’m very impressed with this spa and salon. There’s nothing like it in the area. They also carry IS Clinical skincare, which is great and have been using for a very long time. Will be telling all my friends"*

Julie M.

"Stopped into Baltic Beauty and I’m so glad I did. The place is amazing and they offering everything in one place. One of the best Spas in Fort Lauderdale for sure."*

Will B.

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*Individual results may vary

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